In 1992, Eric Epstein reached a landmark settlement with GPU Nuclear to establish a state-of-the-art radiation monitoring system around Three Mile Island Nuclear Plant. He set up EFMRnamed after his grandfather, Emanuel Fievish, and his uncle, Max Rosenbergas a not-for-profit, nonpartisan organization to run the program.
This settlement and some subsequent legal actions have resulted in EFMR adding the area around the Peach Bottom nuclear plant in York County to its monitoring network, in the acquisition of new monitors, in some significant environmental guarantees from the utilities, and in a significant investment in robotic research by the utilities which has increased worker safety at the plants.
EFMR has also undertaken educational activities relating to energy production and use in Pennsylvania, initiated advocacy actions on behalf of the safety of nuclear plant neighbors including the evacuation of day care centers in emergency preparedness plans and the distribution of potassium iodide pills to the general public. The group has also intervened at the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission to protect the economic interests of Pennsylvania rate payers.
Since its inception, EFMR has worked with AmerGen, Carnegie-Mellon University, Dickinson College, the City of Harrisburg, the Environmental Protection Agency, Los Alamos National Laboratories (SWOOPE Program), GPU Nuclear, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Peach Bottom REMP Program, Pennsylvania Center for Environmental Education, Slippery Rock University, Three Mile Island Alert, the Sustainable Energy Fund, and the University of Tennessee, as well as other national and international organizations.
Coordinator: Eric Epstein
Education & Curriculum Development: Diane Little
Economist: Andrew Stein
Emergency Planner: Larry Christian
Health Physicist & Technical Advisor: Barry Brosey
Research & Writer: Thomas Dochat
Security Consultant: Scott Portzline
Software dev. & support: Tom Owad, Schnitz Technology
© 2003-2008 EFMR Monitoring Group